DUKK BÖRG is a grindhouse fantasy tabletop game about duck-human hybrids banding together in pursuit of death or treasure before the world ends. Inspired by the beloved Saturday morning cartoon DuckTales and the apocalyptic doom metal ttrpg MÖRK BORG, DUKK BÖRG introduces characters, places, and treasures found long after the McDuck clan’s adventures have finished, the moon has exploded, and the sun has turned red in its dying days.” This game was created by the team of Kali Lawrie, Dan Phipps, Rob Hebert, Rae Nedjadi, Tony Vasinda, and Johan Nohr.

I was invited to write a piece for the promotional material given the two prompts “Duck Tales” and “heavy metal.” So I set to work listening to the Duck Tales theme song on repeat as I found different timbres that would work for the heavy metal aesthetic. The final piece is nearly an arrangement of the Duck Tales theme song with some slightly different melodic twists and turns.


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